It's not good for anyone to eat plastic. But because of the modern human lifestyle, everyone eats plastic now - the fish in the ocean, the birds in city parks and even people without noticing it. Yes, it has been proven - microplastics are found in food, tap and bottled water, sea salt, meat, and fish.
In addition, microplastics are found in many of the products we use on a daily basis, like face cream. So, the topic of avoiding plastic in my daily life has been on my mind for a long time. And I've already made some headway. I feel like I'm on the right track: for example, plastic bags, plastic-packaged shower gels and liquid shampoos have disappeared from my life.
How excited I was when I found out about the existence of an alternative to toothpaste in a plastic tube - smyle. In this article, I will make a review of this unique product.
Read this Smyle toothpaste tablets review and discover why they are an excellent toothpaste alternative.

What Is This Alternative To Toothpaste - Smyle ?
Smyle Review

I received a box that contained two paper bags of hard toothpaste pastilles, a small glass bottle, floss without plastic, a wooden toothbrush, a metal container and a card from the smyle team.

This alternative to toothpaste is small white tablets that you have to bite into and just start brushing your teeth as usual. Upon contact with a wet brush, the tablet begins to foam and turns into toothpaste.
The toothpaste itself is very pleasant, with a strong minty taste. After brushing my teeth with Smyle, my mouth feels pleasantly fresh and clean.

But most importantly, this alternative toothpaste gives me a nice feeling on my heart that I am taking care of the environment, well, at least not polluting it with plastic tubes from toothpaste, plastic container from dental floss and plastic toothbrush.
Eco Friendly Alternative To Toothpaste - Smyle - Benefits:

1 - First of all, it's environmentally friendly!!! it contains no plastic in the packaging!! It means less plastic will be burnt or thrown into the ocean.
2 - Cool wooden toothbrush and dental floss without plastic.
3 - These toothpastes clean my teeth perfectly.
4 - Other than all that, these tooth tablets are ideal for frequent travelers like me. The metal box with toothpaste tablets takes up very little space, I can put as many tablets as I need, which is important if I'm leaving on a short trip for a few days. And of course, the format of this toothpaste is guaranteed to go in my carry-on luggage on an airplane.

All in all, thanks to this discovery, I'm taking another step toward a sustainable lifestyle.
It may be a small step, but if each of us would take such small steps and reduce the use of plastic in our everyday lives, together we would make a huge leap.
So, to conclude this Smyle toothpaste review, here is the happy face of a person who has just brushed her teeth with eco-friendly toothpaste without plastic.
If you, like me, are worried about the enormous amount of plastic that has flooded our lives, you have a way to get rid of the toothpaste tubes: try Smyle.
The discount code for 30% off is Alexandra30
To get the discount, please click here: https://bit.ly/
Thanks to the Smyle team for creating a great plastic-free teeth cleaner!